Produkty dla do silników (383)

Consilex Nanosil T-1000: Nano-dispersja wodno-olejowa odpychająca do obróbki materiałów chłonnych

Consilex Nanosil T-1000: Nano-dispersja wodno-olejowa odpychająca do obróbki materiałów chłonnych

Consilex Nanosil T-1000 An impregnating water-oil repellent that is colourless, non-film and based on the nano-dispersion of silicon compounds. Protects lime-based plasters, cement mortars, concrete, natural stones, bricks, wood and so on from the weather, frost and thaw cycles, and aggressive atmospheric conditions. It does not alter the colour of the support nor impact the original appearance or breathability. Product characterized by a very high pearling effect (lotus flower effect) and excellent durability. Consilex Nanosil T-1000 belongs to the new generation of water-soluble fluorinated silica compounds, characterised by zero emissions of VOCs and the absence of flammability and toxicity. The active substance penetrates the porosity and micro-lesions, adhering to the support and counteracting the penetration and advancement of liquids without blocking the breathability of the support. The special chemical structure of Consilex Nanosil T-1000 ensures its high stability to alkali and thus its durability over time on various types of supports, such as: lime-based plasters, cement mortars, concrete, brick, natural stone and wood. The product differs from other treatments on the market due to having the following characteristics: - non-flammable - non-film - zero VOC - stable in water - free from emulsifiers - environmentally-friendly The treatment of absorbent materials carried out with Consilex Nanosil T-1000 is characterised by: - durability over time - total transparency - no variations to the surface colour - excellent water vapour breathability - elevated pearl effect - resistance to acids and alkalis - resistance to UV rays - an absence of reactive by-products that are harmful to people and the environment An impregnating treatment that is water-oil repellent, non-film, totally transparent and colourless, for above-ground masonry in brick, marble, slate, limestone, natural stone and tuff, cement or brick flooring, lime- or cement-based plasters and mortars, etcetera. Packaging: 25 kg canister UM: €/kg
Zatyczka zbiornika D.60.TE z kluczem - Zatyczki / Korki

Zatyczka zbiornika D.60.TE z kluczem - Zatyczki / Korki

D.60.TE fuel tank cap with key, in plastic material, hermetic, with internal bayonet coupling, passage diameter 60 mm with sealing gasket. This product is equipped with lock protection door with “DIESEL” writing, to protect it from dust, debris residues and rainwater. At your request, we can supply it equipped with safety chains or cables. This product shall be sold with our bayonet filling systems passage 60 mm. The D.60.TE tank cap with key is mainly used in truck tanks, on agricultural and construction equipment, and in power generator tanks. We guarantee always quality and reliability of our product. PASSAGE DIAMETER:60 mm Passage
Okłady lamelarne Oilpack (jednostki opakowania OM) - Do usuwania oleju ze ścieków

Okłady lamelarne Oilpack (jednostki opakowania OM) - Do usuwania oleju ze ścieków

Przepływ oleju i wody jest wprowadzany do zbiornika i rozprowadzany w jednorodny sposób w całym przekroju. Składają się ze zbiornika, który może być wykonany z obrobionej i pomalowanej stali węglowej lub stali nierdzewnej AISI 304; pakietu lamelowego z równoległymi kanałami ze sztywnego polistyrenu, stabilizowanego przed promieniowaniem UV. Specjalne materiały i wykonania są dostępne na życzenie. Typowe zastosowania: pierwsza woda deszczowa, zakłady petrochemiczne, warsztaty mechaniczne, rafinerie i magazyny węglowodorów, mycie pojazdów, rekultywacja gruntów, centra przetwarzania odpadów. -Wysoka wydajność separacji ciał stałych od cieczy -Prostota instalacji i obsługi -Kompaktowe wykonanie -Niskie koszty początkowe i koszty zarządzania instalacją
Silnik Dwupaliwowy

Silnik Dwupaliwowy

Motore A Doppia Alimentazione
Filtr Powietrza Odpowiedni do Silników Yanmar 3JH2-TE – 4JHE / 4JH-TE G1611

Filtr Powietrza Odpowiedni do Silników Yanmar 3JH2-TE – 4JHE / 4JH-TE G1611

EMULSJA PALIWA H21 MORSKA - wielofunkcyjny skoncentrowany dodatek do silników diesla morskich

EMULSJA PALIWA H21 MORSKA - wielofunkcyjny skoncentrowany dodatek do silników diesla morskich

FUEL EMULSION H21 MARINE è un additivo multifunzione concentrato, studiato per le applicazioni nel settore marino, per migliorare la qualità del carburante diesel, migliorare l'efficienza dei motori, ridurre la manutenzione, ridurre la fumosità nelle emissioni, migliorare la lubricità del combustibile. Disperde l’acqua presente sul fondo con il gasolio e l’emulsiona, migliorando la combustione e riducendo le emissioni in atmosfera dovute agli incombusti. E’ possibile emulsionare nel gasolio fino al 3% di acqua. E’ un efficace biocida, elimina e contrasta la formazione di alghe e batteri nei serbatoi e cisterne, consentendo una migliore filtrabilità. Riduce la formazione di prodotti Ossidanti e contrasta la Corrosione. Aumenta la presenza di Cetano nel gasolio permettendo una migliore accensione a freddo.
Zarządzanie silnikiem Daf Euro 6

Zarządzanie silnikiem Daf Euro 6

Riparazione e revisione centralina gestione e controllo motore Daf, Marcatura Delphi, Euro6.
CARMEN MINI - 2,45 kW - 6 bar

CARMEN MINI - 2,45 kW - 6 bar

GENERATORE DI VAPORE MONOFASE con sistema di ricarica automatica con controllo elettromeccanico livello acqua in caldaia - True Temp, Aspirapolvere/aspiraliquidi con sistema di filtraggio ad acqua e separatore. Iniezione acqua surriscaldata.
Konsentratory - Inżynieria Żywności SRL - konsentratory

Konsentratory - Inżynieria Żywności SRL - konsentratory

La gamma di impianti di concentrazione realizzati secondo le esigenze dell’utilizzatore. Realizziamo impianti in continuo e a batch, sia a circolazione di vapore che a circolazione di acqua. Comprendono nella nostra produzione anche i crioconcentratori e i concentratori a pompa di calore. Gli impianti possono essere automatizzati con quadro elettrico sinottico computerizzato e controllabile via Internet.
Usługa inżynieryjna - Usługa doradcza przed i po sprzedaży

Usługa inżynieryjna - Usługa doradcza przed i po sprzedaży

The Movingroup service assists consumers at all phases: - Let's speak about what you need: problem analysis, necessary results, scheduling, and pricing. - We build a technical proposal by selecting materials, profiles, and geometry that are most suited to the working conditions of your systems. - To ensure continuity, one of our technicians will develop and oversee your project from start to finish. - You will assess the product before purchasing it, with test cases performed independently or with the assistance of our application engineers. - After purchase, we stay available to you by allocating a technical support line to resolve any questions or concerns.
Atomizer 30007 - Atomizer z silnikiem benzynowym 2-suwowym

Atomizer 30007 - Atomizer z silnikiem benzynowym 2-suwowym

Atomizzatore con motore a scoppio 2 tempi PROFESSIONAL, il potente motore consente di coprire una vasta area, l’atomizzatore è equipaggiato con KIT LIQUIDI, ma è in dotazione nella scatola anche il KIT POLVERI.
2002 Środek Czysty Paliwowy Diesel - Dodatek do Silników Diesla

2002 Środek Czysty Paliwowy Diesel - Dodatek do Silników Diesla

Pulitore con lubrificante per la pulizia dell'intero impianto di alimentazione di tutti i sistemi alimentati Diesel e Bio Diesel, compresi i common rail, iniettore pompa e sistemi ad alta pressione di nuovissima generazione (con alte pressioni sugli iniettori). Ideale anche per vetture dotate di filtro antiparticolato FAP. Nel serbatoio previene ed elimina le impurità, l'acqua di condensa, depositi di paraffina, alghe, morchie, lacche. proteggendo da impurità tutto il sistema di alimentazione ed ottimizzando il funzionamento del motore.
AKCESORIA DO STANOWISK TESTOWYCH SILNIKÓW - jednostki wentylacyjne i wyciągowe

AKCESORIA DO STANOWISK TESTOWYCH SILNIKÓW - jednostki wentylacyjne i wyciągowe

GRUPPI VENTILANTI RAFFREDDAMENTO MOTORE Possiamo proporre soluzioni su misura, adeguandole agli spazi disponibili, oppure fornire accessori standard. Tra queste, in particolare, offriamo solu- zioni standard per sistemi di raffreddamento motore; ventole centrifughe su ruote, con freno, disponibili con diverse portare e potenze: • 4 kW • 5,5 kW • 7 kW • 11 kW I gruppi ventilanti, posso essere inoltre dotati di inverter di controllo, per ren- dere la velocità aria proporzionale a quella del veicolo sul banco prova; otti- mizzando così la simulazione delle condizioni in strada (consigliato per flussi aria >110 km/H) SISTEMI DI ESTRAZIONE FUMI Abbiamo sviluppato sistemi di estrazione fumi adeguati all’utilizzo con il ban- co prova potenza. DIametri maggiorati e maggiore potenza, per una sistema professionale affidabile e durevole: • Motore da 5,5kW • Condotte diametro 250 mm, fino a 1.
Inżynieria systemów redukcji zanieczyszczeń powietrza - Projektowanie, budowa, instalacja i konserwacja

Inżynieria systemów redukcji zanieczyszczeń powietrza - Projektowanie, budowa, instalacja i konserwacja

Tecnosida® realizza i propri impianti sulla base delle esigenze dei propri clienti. Per questo motivo, la realizzazione dei sistemi è preceduta da un attento sopralluogo tecnico svolto presso lo stabilimento del cliente da personale altamente specializzato. Questa operazione ci permette di offrire la migliore soluzione tecnica e proporre interessanti offerte economiche in grado di soddisfare realtà produttive molto diverse. Maggiori informazioni:
Q Aksjalne wirniki o stałym skoku w profilu sierpa - Średnice od 230 mm do 750 mm

Q Aksjalne wirniki o stałym skoku w profilu sierpa - Średnice od 230 mm do 750 mm

Q impellers are manufactured assembling fixed pitch sickle profile blades with a light aluminum alloy hub. The impellers are thought to be employed in applications that require the highest rotation speeds and low noise levels. The impellers are available in configurations with 6/8/10/14 blades both for clockwise and anticlockwise rotation. Q blades are available with right or left fixed setting angles ranging from 20° to 50°. Q impellers can produce a sucking or blowing air flow.
Maszyna odlewnicza - Maszyna odlewnicza z 3 formami

Maszyna odlewnicza - Maszyna odlewnicza z 3 formami

- uno dei grandi vantaggi è che le simbologie dei pezzi che si possono colare sono molteplici . vaso-bidet con guscio,lavabi,consolle,fontane lavatoi a canale pilozzi e tutti i lavabi di arredamento anche su ogni singola linea di colaggio. - il montaggio degli stampi ed il cambio degli stessi è di estrema velocità e semplicità. - le operazioni di colaggio permettono alla macchina di colare in qualsiasi posizione in quanto gli stampi sono alloggiati su di un sistema di rotazione che permette di posizionarsi al punto ideale di colaggio e scolaggio. - l'operazione di apertura stampi avviene tramite un sollevamento che permette la pulizia dello stesso e di posizionarsi al punto ideale di essiccazione. - lo spazio di ingombro della macchina è molto ridotto circa 2,5 mq per pezzo compreso banco di deposito.
Pompa Airless TECNOVER Testarossa Superdiecimila na benzynę - Potężna i wszechstronna z silnikiem benzynowym dla pełnej autonomii

Pompa Airless TECNOVER Testarossa Superdiecimila na benzynę - Potężna i wszechstronna z silnikiem benzynowym dla pełnej autonomii

Il metodo Airless garantisce una verniciatura ad altissima resa senza formazione di nebbia. Può capitare però, per problemi di logistica o contingenti, di avere necessità di operare con un’apparecchiatura completamente autonoma e non dipendente dalle linee elettriche. La pompa Airless serie Testarossa mod. Superdiecimila con motore a benzina soddisfa questa particolare esigenza. La macchina monta un motore Honda, per avere massima qualità ed assistenza, ed è abbinata al gruppo idraulico tramite un sistema a cinghia. Punto di forza della pompa Airless serie Testarossa mod. Superdiecimila a benzina è il suo raggio d’azione che arriva a 70 metri , sia in orizzontale che in prevalenza, permettendoti di non perdere tempo nel dover spostare la macchina durante l’utilizzo. I prodotti spruzzabili sono: smalti, vernici, antiruggine, primers, pitture lavabili, pitture silossaniche e al quarzo, tempere, incapsulanti per l’amianto, intumescenti, bicomponenti, resine epossidiche e molti altri.
Usługi inżynieryjne w zakresie metali szlachetnych

Usługi inżynieryjne w zakresie metali szlachetnych

Manufacturing plants, machines, technologies and engineering services on PMs metallurgy, casting, pyrometallurgy and physics separation of pure and alloyed Precious Metals.


L’obbiettivo principale dell’azienda è la soddisfazione del cliente e la creazione fin dall’inizio, di un rapporto chiaro e sereno. Al centro del nostro impegno è il cliente, che deve: - Disporre di una valida consulenza tecnica per la soluzione più idonea L’obbiettivo principale dell’azienda è la soddisfazione del cliente e la creazione fin dall’inizio, di un rapporto chiaro e sereno. a a ogni esigenza.a a ogni esigenza. - Essere sempre informato di come si svilupperà il lavoro dalla progettazione alla costruzione, dal montaggio alla post vendita. - Aver il miglior prodotto, frutto della continua ricerca dei migliori materiali reperibili sul mercato nazionale ed estero. - Godere di un totale controllo durante la lavorazione e della sicurezza di una messa in opera a regola d’arte da parte di personale qualificato ed aggiornato su tutte le casistiche del prodotto. COSA FACCIAMO PROGET. SCHEMI 2 PROGET.
Projektowanie CAD

Projektowanie CAD

I nostri servizi includono Design di Prodotto, Modellazione CAD 3D, Prototipazione, Stampaggio ad Iniezione, R&S, Reverse Engineering, Certificazioni e molto altro ancora.
Deterg-A : Środek czyszczący, odkamieniacz, konwerter solny o kwaśnym pH

Deterg-A : Środek czyszczący, odkamieniacz, konwerter solny o kwaśnym pH

Deterg-A Concentrated solution of buffered acids, anionic and non-ionic surfactants with high biodegradability, for deep cleaning of substrates from various kinds of encrustations (lime, gypsum, calcareous concretions, saltpetre). To be applied after diluting with clean water according to the proportions indicated in the technical data sheet. The product attacks carbonate minerals, therefore pay particular attention to surfaces in marble, limestone, floors and lead polished stones, carrying out appropriate preventive assessments. Protect metal surfaces Operations of saline removal and stabilisation, removal of deposits of lime, gypsum, saltpetre, mosses; deep cleaning of leakages and media in general. Particularly suitable as a detergent in waterproofing interventions with Protech Balcony. Dilute the product in water based on the nature and size of the incrustation and/or of salt fouling to be removed. Spread the solution with a spray or brush, or even by pouring directly on the fouling to be removed. Leave on for a few minutes. Wash the foam produced by the acid reaction with copious amounts of water . Deterg-A can be used in various dilution ratios: from pure (undiluted) up to one part of product in 10 parts of water. In preparation of the supports to be waterproofed with Protech Balcony, consider diluting the product 1:4, for a consumption of 400 g/m² of solution. In this case, the consumption of Deterg-A is about 1 litre of product to dilute per 10 sqm of tiled surface to be waterproofed. Do not apply on marble surfaces, terracotta, natural stone, polished lead floors and galvanised surfaces. It is a corrosive product, pay attention to the security fact sheet. Always wear gloves when handling. Packaging: 6 kg can UM: €/kg
Prerit Surface: Woda-olej repelentna solucja za oprane šljunčane podove

Prerit Surface: Woda-olej repelentna solucja za oprane šljunčane podove

Prerit Surface An impregnating water-oil repellent that is colourless, non-film and based on the nano-dispersion of silicon compounds. Protects washed gravel floors from the weather, frost and thaw cycles, and aggressive atmospheric conditions. It does not alter the colour of the support nor impact the original appearance or breathability. Also to be used, as a stain prevention during the washing operations of the surface to be deactivated, on the artifacts around the architectural flooring. Prerit Surface belongs to the new generation of water-soluble fluorinated silica compounds, characterised by zero emissions of VOCs and the absence of flammability and toxicity. The active substance penetrates the porosity, adhering to the support and counteracting the penetration and advancement of liquids without blocking the breathability of the support. The special chemical structure of Prerit Surface ensures its high stability to alkali and thus its durability over time. The product differs from other treatments on the market due to having the following characteristics: - non-flammable - non-film - zero VOC - stable in water - free from emulsifiers - environmentally-friendly - durability over time - total transparency - no variations to the surface colour - excellent water vapour breathability - elevated pearl effect - resistance to acids and alkalis - resistance to UV rays - an absence of reactive by-products that are harmful to people and the environment impregnating, hydro-oil repellent, non-film, totally transparent, colorless treatment of FLOORTECH PRERIT washed gravel architectural floors. Packaging: 5 kg can UM: €/kg
Armaglass Connector Twin: Złączka gwintowana z podwójnym końcem i odpornym na alkalia włóknem szklanym

Armaglass Connector Twin: Złączka gwintowana z podwójnym końcem i odpornym na alkalia włóknem szklanym

Armaglass Connector Twin Alkali-resistant fibreglass connector with rigid pre-formed central segment and double-threaded ends. Suitable for the structural reinforcement of brickwork, arches and vaults in masonry, tuff and stone, in combination with ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA fibreglass mesh and mortars such as Unisan, Intosana and the REPAR family. It is used as a conduit for connecting the two sides of structural plaster (with the “structural sandwich” technique). Armaglass Connector Twin is mainly used in plastering reinforced with sandwich systems comprised of mortars and fibreglass mesh. The rigid central section is available in segments of different lengths (200, 300, 400, 500 or 600 mm), while the two threaded ends are fixed at 200 mm in length. The ends are thus able to be opened radially and form an anchorage area of 400 mm in diameter. This method of connecting the two sides of the structural sandwich requires low-invasive preparatory operations, being easy to carry out and consequently resulting in low installation costs. The Armaglass Connector Twin is used to reinforce masonry, arches and vaults in brick, tuff and stone. It is used as a through-connection for joining two sides of a structural plastering . Packaging: bulk - 20x20x20 Unit of Measure: €/piece
Fluid Spritz: Nieorganiczne przyspieszacze cieczy do natryskiwanych konglomeratów (beton natryskowy)

Fluid Spritz: Nieorganiczne przyspieszacze cieczy do natryskiwanych konglomeratów (beton natryskowy)

Fluid Spritz Solution of mineral reactives (sodium silicate) to be used for the acceleration of setting of sprayed masonry and projected concretes, in the reinforcement of rocks outdoors and/or in a gallery, in laying self-sustaining and waterproofing claddings of tunnels, channels, vaults, basins, underground structures, etc., for use with specific equipment for hydrated mixtures (mixtures in which the silicate is sprayed on the shotcrete output nozzle). Fluid Spritz is a wide diffusion accelerant characterised by ease of use, dosage variability according to the specific construction needs: reduction in the number of coating layers to be applied, reduction of patch layer laying time, reduction of rebound swarfs, option to operate even in cold weather. Production of mortars and grouts sprayed with specific equipment (pumps for shotcrete machines) for hydrated mixtures in the reinforcement of rocks outdoors and/or in a gallery, in laying claddings, also with a load-bearing function, in galleries, on piles, sheet piles, diaphragms, channels, vaults, pondage, etc. In waterproofing underground structures. It can be used in structural sheets, for the safety of buildings affected by earthquakes. Fluid Spritz must be previously introduced into a tank of suitable capacity to be added directly to the spray nozzle. It is always advisable to carry out preliminary tests to determine the most appropriate percentage product addition. Packaging: 1350 kg tank UM: €/kg
Floor Tenax: Włóknowo wzmacniany mikrobeton do renowacji podłóg

Floor Tenax: Włóknowo wzmacniany mikrobeton do renowacji podłóg

Floor Tenax is a pourable, plastic/fluid, fibre-reinforced mortar for use in repairing deteriorated concrete flooring (with a reconstruction thickness from 4 mm to 20 mm) along with structural repairs of reinforced concrete cast in formwork. The formulation contains very fine yet high-strength cements, microsilica compounds with pozzolanic activity, rational granular aggregate composition curve (0.1–1.8 mm), special additives and a substantial amount of READYMESH fibre reinforcement. The product mixes with very low water/binder ratios (<0.32). The special formulation of Floor Tenax confers mechanical strength, fracture energy, exceptional durability and very high chemical-physical resistance to the repairs performed. Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Grout 6 SFR: Grunt 6 SFR: Betão projetado estrutural, reforçado e de retração controlada

Grout 6 SFR: Grunt 6 SFR: Betão projetado estrutural, reforçado e de retração controlada

Grout 6 SFR Grout 6 SFR is a high-performance, self-levelling castable mortar, reinforced with Readymesh MM-150 steel fibres and 6 mm Readymesh PM-060 polypropylene microfibres. It boasts high flexural strength, excellent adhesion to concrete and steel, and shrinkage compensation. The aggregates have a maximum size of 6 mm. It is ideal for anchoring road joints, restorations, reinforcements, and seismic adjustments, providing ductility for medium-to-high thicknesses (5–20 cm) on structures made of reinforced concrete and masonry. Structural restoration and adjustments, recovery and anchoring of road, motorway, airport joints, and critical area joints in general. Application surfaces should be clean, free of dirt, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., and adequately saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Proper roughening of the surfaces through scarifying, sandblasting, etc., is always necessary to achieve maximum adhesion values to the substrate. Optimal values are obtained with high-pressure hydro-scarification. Remove any exposed rebar that is undergoing disruptive oxidation or is deeply oxidized, cleaning the rust from the exposed rebar (by sandblasting or using abrasive brushes). Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Grout 6 SFR and the remaining water; continue mixing until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is achieved. The mixing water should be about 13%-15% by weight (3.5-4.5 litres per bag). Use casting procedures that ensure the absence of discontinuities and avoid the formation of air pockets. For high anchoring sections, it is advisable to add Ghiaietto 6.10 (please refer to the appropriate technical data sheet for more information). Packaging: 25 kg bag Unit of Measure: €/kg
Protech Sil P Therm: Farba siloksanowa przeciwkondensacyjna, dezynfekująca, odbijająca ciepło

Protech Sil P Therm: Farba siloksanowa przeciwkondensacyjna, dezynfekująca, odbijająca ciepło

Protech Sil P Therm white Anti-condensation, elastic, sanitizing, heat-reflecting paint, with hollow glass microspheres (3M Glass Bubble), ideal for both external and internal facades, based on siloxane resin in emulsion, with high permeability to water vapor and with excellent covering power. Recommended as a breathable, water-repellent protective finish for macroporous dehumidifying plasters (Sanatigh, Sanawarme, Caleosana). Protech Sil P - Therm is a paint suitable for any type of mineral substrate, such as old and new plasters, synthetic plasters, sandstone walls, etc. For old emulsion paints, remove non-adherent parts, remove any impurities, repair any cracks or crevices and then consolidate everything with Protech Fix AC - Therm, a silicon water repellent fixative primer, also suitable for highly alkaline substrates. Protech Sil P - Therm has excellent covering power: class 1 according to EN 13300 for a yield of 6/7 m2/l. In addition to the painting of external facades and internal environments, Protech Sil P-THERM has been designed especially for buildings and monuments subject to the protection of the ministry of cultural heritage. The binder based on an emulsion of silicones has allowed to develop a microporous filter impermeable to heavy rain, and at the same time permeable to the diffusion of water vapour. The great advantage of this paint is that it can be applied both on mineral (inorganic) supports and on previously treated supports with emulsion-based paints, creating a physical adhesion, with extremely microporous films. The particular chemical structure of the silicone binder produces a film resistant to light and atmospheric agents that is not destroyed even by microorganisms. For old emulsion paints, remove non-adherent parts, remove any impurities, repair any cracks or crevices and then consolidate everything with Protech Fix AC - Therm, a silicon water repellent fixative primer, also suitable for highly alkaline substrates. SUPPORTS ALREADY PAINTED WITH SILICATE PAINT Remove any stains and proceed with painting with the siloxane paint. (it is always recommended to apply a coat of siloxane impregnating agent). NEW SUPPORTS Apply a coat of siloxane acrylic fixative diluted from 20 to 60% with water depending on the absorption of the support. OLD SUPPORTS On old supports, remove the old paint by brushing, fill in any holes or imperfections in the wall with a suitable filler, proceed with fixing with siloxane impregnating agent diluted 20 to 60% with water depending on the absorption of the support. On large surfaces, it is recommended to apply the product of the same lot and proceed always wet on wet to avoid signs of resumption. Never operate at temperatures below + 5°C. Rainy weather, excessive atmospheric humidity and temperatures below + 8°C, can considerably compromise drying with the possibility of rainwater washout even after several days. In these situations, it is advisable to protect the facades from unpredictable showers, in order not to jeopardize the success of the work. For storage store in tightly closed containers and protect from frost. Packaging: 4-liter bucket UM:€/l
Consilex Inject Mauer: Mikroemulsja dla powoli dyfundujących barier chemicznych przeciw wilgoci wstępującej

Consilex Inject Mauer: Mikroemulsja dla powoli dyfundujących barier chemicznych przeciw wilgoci wstępującej

Consilex Inject Mauer One-component silane-based system modified for the preparation, with the sole addition of water, of water repellent microemulsions for slowly spreading masonry injections against capillary rising damp or using a pump with low operating pressure (0.5 to 1.5 bar), specific for the construction of chemical barriers in masonry, brick, tufa, stone and mixed, of varied thicknesses. The injection of Consilex Inject Mauer can be made using a pump with low operating pressure (0.5 to 1.5 bar) or else via drop-down and slow diffusion using special graduated bags (Barrier Bag) and injection tubes (Barrier Tube D26). The slow diffusion, carried out with the accessories mentioned above is specifically designed to facilitate the deep and complete interpenetration of the formulation into the porosity of the material, even without mechanised pumping systems being set up. Being deprived of its source of damp, the masonry above the operation will gradually and slowly yield its residual moisture content by evaporation. Since this process can crystallise the salts contained in the masonry, bleaching and saline efflorescence effects may occur on the surface of the exposed masonry or plaster with accentuated phenomena of superficial degradation. Thus, for plastered masonry that has become compromised, completing a cycle of dehumidifying plastering is recommended, using Untersana, Sanatigh or Sanastof for example. For exposed masonry, it is recommended to allow the salts to vent throughout the summer period and then, if necessary, complete the operation with a water-based surface water repellent treatment such as Consilex Altrain WV. Construction of slow diffusion chemical barriers or using a pump with low operating pressure (0.5 to 1.5 bar) against capillary rising damp in brickwork, tufa, stone and mixed, of varying thickness. In the event that injection is performed with pumping systems, the hole usually has a diameter of 12 mm, being able to accommodate the rubber and steel injector. If the injection is carried out by slow diffusion, the drill bit must be 30 mm to permit the insertion and housing of the Barrier Tube D26 cardboard tubes, connected externally via the specific polyethylene Barrier BagS and their tubes, as better described in the product data sheets. Pour the prepared mixture into the mechanised pumping system or fill the previously-prepared containment Barrier BagS until the quantity of the necessary mixture has been completely absorbed. In normal absorption conditions, masonry with a thickness of about 40 centimetres will soak up about 16 litres of the 1:10 solution for each metre in length. Once fully absorbed: - if using pumping systems, remove the injectors and putty the holes; - if using the drop-down system, remove the bags and tubes installed, leaving the cartridges “to be lost” in the holes, which will then need to be properly filled completely and puttied on the surface with cement- and/or lime-based mortar. Packaging: 10-liter can UM:€/l
Osmocem SCK: Osmotyczny zaprawa wodoodporna, z aktywnymi agentami krystalicznymi

Osmocem SCK: Osmotyczny zaprawa wodoodporna, z aktywnymi agentami krystalicznymi

Osmocem SCK Fiber-reinforced monocomponent cement mortar, based on hydraulic binders, superprogoline fillers, selected fine aggregates and crystallizing reagent agents, which favor the penetration of the compound into the support. Ideal for low-thickness protective coatings (4 to 10 mm), with high counterweight adhesion. The specific formulation makes this product ideal for coatings in aggressive environments in contact with chlorides and sulphates (sewage systems). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Protech Fix AC-Therm: Wzmacniający akrylowy środek wiążący przeciwkondensacyjny, w dyspersji wodnej

Protech Fix AC-Therm: Wzmacniający akrylowy środek wiążący przeciwkondensacyjny, w dyspersji wodnej

Protech Fix AC-Therm Water-based anti-condensing wall covering, with excellent fixing and anchoring properties, with good coverage based on high penetration acrylic resins, 3M Glass Bubble, pigments, fillers and covering fillers. Suitable as an anti-condensation fixative primer, prior to painting or coating the plaster with anti-condensation paints or plasters (-THERM). Ideal for interventions on walls with mucilage deposits, bacterial phenomena and moulds. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it is particularly suitable for solving mould problems. It can be applied on any plaster (rustic, civil, plaster, dry mortar, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete, etc.). Made with special resins and additives it reduces the absorption of the support while allowing the necessary transpiration, uniforms the absorption making the application of the finishing coats easier. It always works in depth, which is why it is the ideal preparation for applying water-based paints or coatings. Adhesion is excellent even on particularly difficult surfaces, thanks to the use of special resins and the presence in the formulation of an adhesion promoter interacting between the support and the product. Preliminary treatment of any surface (civil, plaster, rustic, dry mortars, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete etc.) designed to isolate the support surfaces and standardise the absorptions of the subsequent anti-condensate treatments (painting and protective coatings). Packaging: 14-liter bucket UM: €/l